Gender Digital Divide IndexDAKA Advisory, in partnership with WinDt Consulting, has developed, piloted and published the Gender Digital Divide Index (GDDI). The GDDI is the first comprehensive and global gender digital divide benchmarking tool that measures progress in closing gender digital gaps.

We created the GDDI framework in consultation with a panel of global experts to develop a roadmap for reaching gender digital equality. Taking a theory of change approach, the Index assesses what inequality looks like and works backwards to identify and measure the key foundations and interventions.

The GDDI 2022 pilot study looked at twenty countries across six global regions representing 57% of the world population and 54% of global GDP. Our research built on existing indicators and developed custom indicators to address gender and digital data gaps. The 2023 study is planned to cover at least 60 countries globally and a broader set of indicators.

Download the pilot Gender Digital Divide Index report here.

The GDDI is designed to equip business and government leaders with insights and opportunities for driving innovation through a gender-inclusive lens. If you are interested in learning more and partnering with us for the expanded GDDI 2023 study, please contact us.